An Endless List of Establishment Pedophiles.
Former Democrat Congressman Gerry Studds engaged in sexual relationships with teenaged Congressional male pages. He was censured by the House for a consensual sexual relationship with a 17 year old page, who allegedly described the interlude as “consensual and not intimidating.”
Gerry Studds, the first openly gay member of Congress, was also a pedophile. They look like this. Huffington Post. |
Congressman Studds is now remembered by history as the first openly gay member of Congress, not as a pedophile. He was outed when he was censured.
Republican Congressman Mark Foley was forced to resign after lewd messages sent to teenaged male pages were uncovered. In the course of the ultimately unsuccessful investigation into the misconduct of Congressman Foley, Congressman Jim Kolbe was also accused of pedophilia with a 16 year old page.
Congressman Foley resigned in the aftermath, ironically marking the end of Speaker Dennis Hastert’s reign as House Speaker. A Republican staffer to Representative Tom Reynolds, Mr. Kirk Fordham, was also caught up in the scandal, resigning after asking ABC News not to report the contents of the explicit communications.
Mr. Fordham was formerly Congressman Foley’s chief of staff. Apparently these gentlemen had other interests besides politics, the business of the people, in common.
Former Congressman Mark Foley, also a pedophile. They look like this. Sun Sentinel. |
Newsweek in June, 2010 noted that Congressman Foley had a track record of sponsoring anti-gay legislation, at variance with his personal proclivities. His hypocrisy was apparently boundless.
Foley was formerly the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children, which introduced legislation tracking sexual predators. I wonder if he had to register?
The Page Scandal exploded into public consciousness in 2005, after Congressman Foley sent creepy emails to a former page from Louisiana who was 16 years old. Asking for a photo of the page, Congressman Foley also asked how old that he was, when was his birthday, and what did he want for a birthday present.
The former page characterized the emails as “sick, sick, sick,” 13 times.
Then ABC News reported in October 2005 that Congressman Foley emailed a 17 year old page an invitation to stay at his home in exchange for oral sodomy. He reportedly emailed yet another page asking for a photograph of his erection.
Multiple other pages came out of the woodwork, reporting even more explicit communications.
After his resignation, Mr. Foley’s attorney insisted that his client was not a pedophile. While Mr. Foley historically rejected speculation that he was gay, dismissing the questions as “revolting and unforgivable,” his WikiPedia page notes that his homosexuality was long an open secret in Washington.
An investigation by the House Ethics Committee determined that Speaker Dennis Hastert’s chief counsel was witting and aware of Mr. Foley’s problematic behavior with underage male pages for “nearly a decade.”
Mr. Foley was originally outed in 1996 by journalist Kurt Wolfe in the pages of The Advocate. Later a former page, Mark Beck-Heyman, observed that Republican leadership and staffers were aware of Mr. Foley’s proclivities for more than 11 years
Interestingly enough, Mr. Foley’s attorney claimed that he had been abused in his youth by an unnamed member of the clergy, later identified as Father Anthony Mercieca, a 69 year old prelate, reinforcing the pattern that pedophilia is apparently contagious.
Pedophiles were often molested themselves when they were young, and they struggle with the perversion, often losing their battle as they age.
Pedophiles look like this. Father Anthony Mercieca, admitted molester of Mark Foley. Times of Malta. |
Predictably, Father Mercieca recalled a relationship over 2 years with a 13 year old altar boy at Sacred heart Roman Catholic Church in Lake Worth, FL. The affair continued until Mr. Foley was 15. Apparently a 15 year old was too old for the clergyman’s tastes.
Straight from the pedophile playbook, Father Mercieca recalled that the young Mr. Foley “seemed to like it, you know?” He claimed that the sex was consensual, and hence not abuse.
After the publicity, another former altar boy levied accusations of molestation when he was 12 years old, ultimately reaching an undisclosed financial settlement with the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Miami.
As mentioned, Republican Congressman Jim Kolbe was also accused of molesting underage pages. Remarkably, his spokeswoman, Ms. Korenna Cline, advised the media that his office had not been contacted by the Department of Justice nor the House Ethics Committee. Then she resigned, on the spot, saying that she decided to pursue another employment opportunity.
Highlighting more hypocrisy, former Speaker Dennis Hastert characterized the text messages sent by Mr. Foley as “vile and repulsive,” saying that he intended to demand Mr. Foley’s resignation. Calls demanding Speaker Hastert’s resignation were rebuffed.
Disgraced former House Speaker Dennis Hastert, age 75. An admitted pedophile. |
Links in order of precedence.
This is my 21st installment on the pedophilia epidemic.
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