Craig Spence: Call Boys for Washington Elites
The Pedophocracy continues with the story of Mr. Craig Spence, a “behind the scenes powerbroker” within the Republican Party. In June, 1989, The Moonie owned Washington Times published a story that sent shockwaves through the Washington elites of both political parties.
The Washington Times, June 29, 1989, front page. |
The Washington Times, June 29, 1989, "a nest of homosexuals." |
On July 26, 1989, in a series that continued landing left hooks to the jaws of the Washington pedophile elites, The Washington Times reported (p. A3, headline: “Secret Service furloughs third White House guard”):
“Once, Mr. Spence’s influence with the Washington power elite appeared almost limitless, demonstrated by his ability to arrange midnight tours of the White House. The Times has confirmed that Mr. Spence arranged at least four midnight tours of the White House, including one June 29, 1988, on which he took with him a 15 year old boy whom he falsely identified as his son.”
The Times later (July 7, 1989, p. 1A) reported, “Mr. Brady, the ranking administration official to speak publicly about the episode, appeared nonplussed when asked yesterday about Reginald A. deGueldre, a uniformed White House officer who moonlighted as Mr. Spence’s bodyguard and arranged the late-night White House tours.”
Mr. Spence was traced by law enforcement authorities as a $20,000 a month “customer” of a homosexual escort service called Professional Services, Inc.
Faces of pedophiles. Mr. Craig Spence, lobbyist and call boy broker, Kansas City GOP Convention, 1976. |
Mr. Spence may have been a customer himself, but he was not paying $20,000 a month on male hookers just for his own gratification. Mr. Spence was hiring call boys for others, and performing as a pimp, a middleman, for a Washington elite clientele.
A UPI article addressing his later alleged suicide, stated that Professional Services, Inc., was patronized by “government officials, military officers, congressional aides, and US and foreign businessmen.”
Mr. Spence's WikiPedia page says that “Spence entered a downward spiral in the wake of the Washington Times exposé, increasingly involving himself with call boys and crack.”
In an article dated August 9, 1989, The Washington Times reported that “…Mr. Spence said the discovery in 1986 that he had AIDS triggered his descent into using call boys and crack.”
Mr. Spence was arrested on July 31, 1989 at the Barbizon Hotel on East 63d Street in Manhattan for criminal possession of a firearm, a svelte .32, and criminal possession of a small amount of cocaine.
“Mr. Spence had called the police to say a man in his room had just robbed him of $6,000 at gunpoint.”
A 22 year old Brooklyn man, Mr. Casey Regan, an alleged male prostitute, was found with him. “At his arraignment in Manhattan Criminal Court on August 1, Mr. Spence said that he met Mr. Regan on Times Square and that they returned to his hotel room.”
Mr. Spence spent “parts of the next three days in jail before being released on personal recognizance Aug. 2.”
Faces of pedophiles. The New York Times, November 11, 1989. Craig Spence arrest. |
“They put me in the Tombs [slang for the New York jail] for three days without a phone call, Mr. Spence said. “I survived by offering to be the valet to the biggest thug there, a man appropriately named Heavy, and giving him half my bologna sandwich. I had to teach him not to pronounce it “val-ay” like some parking attendant.”
“How do you think that a little faggot like me moved in the circles I did? Mr. Spence asked, his hand fondling the razor blade like the flesh of a lover. “It’s because I had contacts at the highest levels of this government.”
“They’ll deny it,” he said, his voice rising with anger. “But how do they make me go away, when so many of them have been at my house, at my parties and at my side?”
An alleged list of customers, party goers, and seminar participants included some 200 names. Former CIA Director William Casey was on the list, as was former CIA Deputy Director of Intelligence DDI Ray Cline.
So was former prosecutor Joseph diGenova, and his wife, Ms. Victoria Toensing, formerly a Deputy Attorney General. Congressman Barney Frank, a self-confessed Democrat homosexual, came to play an outsized role in the developing scandal. The list also included Attorney General John Mitchell.
In an article, “RNC Calls Scandal a “Tragic Situation” in The Washington Times dated June 30, 1989, Congressman Frank was quoted.
“But Rep. Barney Frank, Massachusetts Democrat and a self-proclaimed homosexual who several weeks ago threatened to reveal a list of Republican homosexuals in Congress, said he was “not surprised” by the revelations.”
“Because almost all Republican homosexuals are ‘in the closet,” Mr. Frank said, “there’s an impression that there aren’t any Republicans …. This is the proof of the prejudice in our community.”
Other names on the Craig Spence client list included newsmen Ted Koppel (a friend for more than 20 years), Eric Severeid, William Safire, and newswoman Liz Trotta.
Ambassador James Lilley (former Ambassador to Korea and to China), Ambassador Robert Newman, and Elliott Richardson, were on the list, as was General Alfred M. Gray, commandant of the US Marine Corps.
Also on the list was LTG Daniel O. Graham, Senator John Glenn (D-OH), and Senator Frank Murkowski (R-AK).
After his arrest, Mr. Spence’s Kalorama mansion on Wyoming Avenue was found to be wired with surveillance equipment, microphones, hidden cameras and two-way mirrors. Mr. Spence claimed to work for the CIA.
The Times reported on July 10, 1989, p. A1:
“The federal investigation, headed by the office of US Attorney Jay Stephens and conducted by Secret Service agents, appears to be aimed at determining whether Reagan and Bush administration officials and others were compromised by Mr. Spence, through the use of female and male prostitutes and with electronic audio and video eavesdropping at parties at his house in the fashionable Kalorama neighborhood in Northwest Washington.”
The UPI article on his “suicide” wrote:
“Spence’s friends say he often boasted of being a CIA agent, of associating with high-ranking government officials, of bugging his friends and associates and of blackmailing people," The Washington Post reported earlier this year.
The visits that Mr. Spence arranged for his call boys to the White House were allegedly authorized by Mr. Donald Gregg, a longtime CIA officer, then National Security Advisor to Vice President George Bush. Mr. Gregg, of course, denied the allegations.
“Who was it who got Felix Rodriguez [the CIA’s former Costa Rica station chief, who became embroiled in the Iran-Contra affair] in to see Bush?” Mr. Spence asked when pressed to say who got him inside the White House. He agreed that he was alluding to Mr. Gregg.”
The book George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, by Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin, noted:
“We have already had occasion to examine Don Gregg’s role in Iran-Contra, and have observed his curious performance when testifying under oath before congressional committees. Gregg indignantly denied any connection to Spence, yet it is public record that Spence had sponsored a dinner in Gregg’s honor in the spring of 1989 at Washington’s posh Four Seasons Hotel in Georgetown.”
According to a Washington Times reporter, some 20,000 documents addressing the case were sealed by court order.
Then Mr. Spence, aged 49, was discovered dead in room 429 at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Boston, dressed in an evening tuxedo. There were no visible mechanisms of injury.
The Pedophocracy cites the Post, apparently meaning the Washington Post, saying that Spence had earlier told an associate, “I may be disappearing soon. It will be sudden. It may appear to be a suicide, but it won’t be.”
The Washington Times reported (November 13, 1989, p. A1), that Mr. Spence wrote the following on a mirror in room 429:
“Chief, consider this my resignation, effective immediately. As you always said, you can’t ask others to make a sacrifice if you are not ready to do the same. Life is duty. God bless America.”
Then he wrote: “To the Ritz, please forgive this inconvenience.”
Not wanting to speak ill of the dead, The New York Times, in its November 11, 1989 article (via AP) summed up, “Mr. Spence was a former correspondent for ABC News.”
The Washington Post, the news organ that studiously ignored the call boy story as it unraveled over many months, quoted from a videotape that Mr. Spence delivered to friends a short time before his death.
“Some of you may know when it comes to the intelligence community, there is no such thing as coincidence. Now, I’m not sure I’ve seen the whole picture yet myself.”
“I’ll close by telling you I’m sure that in the end the truth will come out and this too will pass.”
“Now, I may be naive about my optimism, but I’m an American, proud of my country and confident of the fairness of its people. So take heart, good friends, and share that pride and that confidence with me. Good night, and God bless.”
Mr. Craig Spence was also connected to the Franklin Coverup, which will be addressed separately in a forthcoming installment. Stay tuned, and stay buckled up.
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